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Nhien Vuong, J.D., M.Div.



A Stanford Law attorney turned Unity minister, Reverend Nhien Vuong, J.D., M.Div., left her lucrative San Francisco law practice to further the evolution of consciousness. Based in Kansas City, Missouri, Nhien is an international Enneagram thought leader, spiritual mentor, and the founder of Evolving Enneagram, a community-centered organization that offers a compassion-based contemplative approach to transformation. She guides individuals of diverse faith and wisdom traditions in a spiritual journey without dogma — a path that honors each person’s unique background, temperament, and personal beliefs. 

Nhien has been studying the Enneagram since 2002 and teaching it since 2007. Nhien is among a select 25 Enneagram professionals around the globe who have received the mark of Accredited Professional with Distinction with the International Enneagram Association (IEA). She is also a Certified Enneagram professional through the Awareness to Action IEA-accredited program and a Certified Somatic Enneagram™ practitioner.1

Nhien has presented professionally in countries including Egypt, the United States, Mexico, Denmark, and Sweden and at online global summits that have reached as many as 40k+ people in over 150 countries. She is best known for her work nurturing sacred inter-spiritual, Enneagram-literate spaces for individuals to cultivate authenticity, wholeness, and belonging.

With a background in law, mediation, and philosophy, Nhien joins intellectual rigor with ardent wholeheartedness. She is a published poet and has served on the writing teams for Unity’s two largest publications, Unity Magazine and Daily Word Magazine. 

Born into a war-torn Vietnam, Nhien and her family fled to the U.S. as political refugees in 1975, during the fall of Saigon. She grew up in a multi-lingual multi-generational household in Southern California and now lives in the Midwest. Nhien is passionate about helping the disadvantaged, honoring the unrepresented, and respecting our diversity. She regularly offers scholarships for Evolving Enneagram’s many transformational programs and donates her time to various non-profits and the incarcerated. Nhien’s personal vision is for a more compassionate, awakened, and unified world.  

Nhien is the upcoming author of Enneagram of Soul, a 40-day contemplative Enneagram companion guide to living a more authentic, inspired, and soulful life, scheduled to be published by Hampton Roads in early 2025.



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These are listed here to offer ideas for topic themes. Nhien tailors all courses and presentations to her clients’ unique circumstances and vision.

What people are saying

- Frederik Coene


I have been studying and researching the Enneagram intensely for about 6 years with teachers around the world. I first met Nhien while participating in Seekers After Truth (SAT) in California in 2019 and have since been following her work. Nhien's approach to the Enneagram stands out internationally because she doesn't just "teach" the Enneagram. She applies it--uses it in a deeply practical way for real transformation. She doesn't just share dead words but inspires her students through passion.

- Tamer Zanaty

(EGYPT), Executive Coach and Leadership Development Facilitator

As a presenter, Nhien creates very unique experiences from start to finish that engages both our hearts and minds. She is a charismatic speaker with years of experience under her belt added to her personal wisdom and compassion. I’ve gotten to attend multiple interactive workshops and presentations with Nhien, both online and in person. She impresses me with her ability to address challenging topics with simplicity and delicacy, as if using kid gloves. Nhien is also a serious professional who takes her professional development and inner practice seriously. This is evident in how she consistently achieves breakthroughs and amazing transformational results!

- Annabella Al-Nafusi

(DENMARK), IEA Denmark Board Member

Nhien has a way of tapping into you and reflecting the unique wisdom you are and the wisdom you really are longing to hear. The first time I met Nhien, I immediately knew that she should be my new teacher. And the amazing part about her is that she is magnificent and larger than life on stage and yet very humble and present and there with you in her groups. Thus, it's difficult to ever feel alone in her group sessions. I have participated in numerous circles and spiritual groups, which all have their own way. The frame and the purpose in the Evolving Enneagram matches how I see Nhien integrate her lived life, and CPE is the best online group practice I have experienced so far!

- Steve Hankins

(MO, USA), Career Advancement Expert

Nhien is one of those people you just feel blessed to have come across in any capacity. She is brilliant and insightful, and her spiritual guidance is truly transformational. I always depart from our work together feeling peaceful, grounded, and positive, in addition to learning a great deal about myself and my interaction with the world around me. The Enneagram is so much more powerful than anything I've ever worked with prior, and Nhien's expertise is a wonderful means of experiencing all it has to offer!

- Ingy El Kably

(EGYPT), Accredited Professional Enneagram Teacher & Life Coach

I came to know Nhien more in the Contemplative Practices & the Enneagram weekly meetings and I have to say I am really blessed to be amongst such a lovely group. The harmony and acceptance I find in this group is all because of how Nhien holds the space for each and everyone to be who they really are. I see authenticity, vulnerability whenever Nhien shares that really allows us all to be open. anytime Nhien shares something personal or even gives us any teachings I feel spiritually rooted. Thank you Nhien for paving a road to wisdom and self-awareness in such a smooth subtle yet very deep way. Thank you for being you.

"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."

-Martin Luther King Jr.

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