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Jill Schneider Smith, MDiv, DMin

Contemplative Practices & the Enneagram Group Co-Facilitator


Jill is a contemplative, an Enneagram guide, pastor, spiritual director, and soul activist. A United Methodist pastor since 2000, she has walked alongside many on their faith journey’s. In 2020, she started Flourishing Souls, a ministry of Contemplative Prayer and Enneagram Spirituality. As of fall 2024, she is also a co-facilitator for Evolving Enneagram’s Contemplative Practices and the Enneagram (CPE) practice and support groups.

In recent years Jill has walked the lonely road of deconstructing one theological perspective to a find herself in an expansive, deeply spiritual place that recognizes Divine Love inherent in all of creation. The spirituality of the Enneagram has taught this from its ancient beginnings.

Learning the importance of soul work of unifying body, heart, and mind while doing inner work to heal from family of origin issues, Jill is glad to guide others seeking to deepen their spiritual practices from any faith tradition or non-religious spaces as well. Everyone is welcome. 


As a speaker, retreat leader, preacher, or spiritual director, Jill can weave the wisdom of the Enneagram for individuals or groups seeking to connect their true selves to the Spirit of Love and Life. An abundant life each of us can uniquely live.

Jill is an accredited practitioner with the Integrative Enneagram iEQ9, has certification from Russ Hudson in Teaching the Enneagram and the Enneagram in Conscious Living, Spiritual Direction from The Haden Institute (Jan. 2025), and a Doctor of Ministry degree in Christian Spirituality. She is an Elder in Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church, VP on the executive board of Rowan Vocational Opportunities, and active in community justice issues in Rowan County, N.C.

Facebook: Flourishing Souls

To live fully awake to life is never to have regrets.

~ Russ Hudson