As a leader, it is likely that you already possess natural leadership strengths. It is vital to effective leadership however that you recognize both how your gifts and your personal limitations impact on your staff, colleagues, and potential clients or customers.

Knowing your own Enneagram Type allows you to become more centered and develop your personal presence. You will learn more about how to maximize your natural gifts. You will also learn how to identify your own reactivity, and what to do about it.

Knowing the Enneagram in general helps you to gain perspective and understanding on the 9 fundamentally different lenses through which we see ourselves, others, and the world.

Date/Time: October 18, 2023, 1:00-5:00pm

Location: Indian Hills Country Club, 6847 Tomahawk Rd, Mission Hills, KS 66208

Registration Fee: $135/pp (includes refreshments) (seats limited)

This event is privately hosted. See below for more details or register now by emailing your host and letting her know how many spots you’d like for our Introduction to the Enneagram for Women in Leadership event: BRENDA CRAIG <bcraig@craigsafety.com


1:00 - 4:00 PM

In this live, interactive 3-hour workshop, we will cover the following topics:

What is the Enneagram?

Gain an overview of the transformational model known as the Enneagram.

What are the 9 Enneagram Personality Types?

Learning about all 9 Enneagram Types helps you develop greater perspective, empathy, and understanding for the fundamentally different lenses through which we see ourselves, one another, and the world.

What are the strengths and triggers of each Enneagram Type?

Learn how to maximize your leadership strengths and to recognize and work on your triggers. Learn how often we're reacting from our personalities and taking personally something that is happening simply based on the interaction of our Types!

Why the Enneagram?

Learn how the Enneagram supports greater self awareness, self-management skills, communication skills, and more--for conscious and empowered leadership!

How do I discover my Type?

Discovering your Type is a journey. Some people find it right away. Others find the journey of inquiring into their Type to illuminate many areas of life that have kept them stuck. At this workshop, you'll come away with tools for your own Typing journey.

What are steps I can take toward more conscious leadership based on my Enneagram Type?

Knowledge of the Enneagram is one thing. Applying it to your work life is another! Learn practical ways you can become a more effective, empowered, and EMPOWERING leader with the Enneagram!

4:00 - 5:00 PM

After our workshop, you’ll have a full hour to ask our Presenter Nhien Vuong additional questions and to socialize with other amazing women leaders in and around the Greater Kansas City Area. Spaces are limited. Reserve a seat for you, your core team, and your favorite women today!

To register for this privately hosted event, email your host Brenda Craig <
bcraig@craigsafety.com>. Payment of the $135/pp registration fee is handled directly through Brenda.

Curious? Take an online Enneagram Test

You do NOT need to take an online Enneagram test before this workshop. Some people are curious to learn what they can even before attending an introductory Enneagram workshop so we’re providing a link to a well-known online test that costs $12. Choose the RHETI test. Keep in mind however that online tests are NOT definitive of your Type. Still, it’s likely you are one of the top three Types you score highest in. (Not: We are NOT affiliated with the testmakers and do NOT get a commission from you taking this test.)

What Type of Leader are You?

There are many qualities that make a good leader. The Enneagram helps us to see our own qualities more clearly. You might be surprised what you discover are some of your greatest gifts…

Learn more about the Enneagram

About our presenter Nhien Vuong, J.D., M.Div.

Nhien is a writer, speaker, and contemplative Enneagram thought leader. An internationally accredited Enneagram professional, certified Enneagram teacher, and the Founder of Evolving Enneagram, Nhien has been studying the Enneagram since 2002 and teaching it since 2007. She holds a Juris Doctor from Stanford Law, a Masters of Divinity from Unity Institute & Seminary, and a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from the University of California Irvine. An ordained interspiritual Unity minister, Nhien marries intellectual rigor with a passion for a more conscious and compassionate world. When she is not hugging trees, Nhien is building Enneagram literacy around the globe through meditation groups and retreats, consulting and mentoring, organizational training, writing, and more. Her book, Enneagram of Soul, is due to be published by Hampton Roads Publishing in early 2025.

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