Quarterly Book Study: Way of Integrity (Registration Form–Household) NameEmail AddressEnneagram type (if known)Second NameEmail AddressEnneagram type (if known)Our Date/Time Preferences *Our primary meeting time will be on Wednesdays 6:00-8:00pm CDT starting May 10 ending June 21Our primary meeting time will be on Thursdays 10am-noon CDT starting May 11 ending June 22The Wednesday meetings don't work for our scheduleThe Thursday meetings don't work for our scheduleWe are down for all Wed and Thur meetings I can make!You may join ALL meetings of this book study, whether on Wednesday or Thursday but we need to determine the balance of people attending one or the other. Please help us to plan by checking ALL that apply!How did you hear about this? *Additional messages/commentsSubmit Application