In the midst of an increasingly polarized world, how do we meet this moment with compassion, wisdom, and skillfulness?
What does it mean to live an “embodied spirituality” or to be a “contemplative activist”?
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead
This is an interdisciplinary, interspiritual seminar designed to support a more compassionate and awakened world–one that honors the intrinsic wholeness, divinity, and belonging of all life across the historic divides of race, religion, political views, nationality, gender, and beyond.
Deepen your spiritual connection through contemplative practice, explore perspective-enlarging ideas and frameworks, and practice skills for loving speech and action.
What is your relationship to wholeness, belonging, and unity? Explore what it might mean to co-create a unifying vision starting with a look at our personal & collective myths of separation.
Recommended Resource(s):
What are your most habitual reactions when you don’t get what you want? What might the Enneagram Conflict Styles as well as other conflict management models have to tell us about ourselves and what types of reactions we tend to value and appreciate versus demonize or repress?
Recommended Resource(s):
How might you embrace and live from a larger sense of self? Integral Theory, developed by Ken Wilber, offers a helpful framework for the needed cognitive development as well as spiritual unfoldment called for in these times. Through “growing up” psychologically in tandem with “waking up” spiritually, we can begin to move from the sense of a separate-self to the fullness of diversity within unity. This awareness gives us the key to embracing not only our True Self but also everyone’s belonging within the “Total Painting” of all that is.
Recommended Resource(s):
This special community gathering offers an opportunity to reflect on our shared journey, explore key insights, and engage in meaningful dialogue. Through a mix of breakout sessions and community-wide discourse, we will process our experiences together, integrating the wisdom gained from Sessions 1 – 3. By sharing our perspectives, we continue to lay the groundwork for a unifying vision.
What do you know and how do you know that it’s true? What makes us clear? What makes us creative? Learn about the importance of clear thinking and discover how our built-in cognitive biases may be impacting our ability to discern fact from fiction. Explore how not all “fiction” is harmful; in fact, intentional mythmaking can buoy our ability to creatively ideate a better world.
Recommended Resource(s):
How do you speak your truth from a compassionate space? From the peace-making, life-affirming principles of Non-Violent Communication developed by Marshall Rosenberg, discover how to lead with grounded presence, to come from curiosity and care, and to focus on what matters. Practice your new skills in a safe, compassionate community.
Recommended Resource(s):
This special community gathering offers an opportunity to reflect on our shared journey, explore key insights, and engage in meaningful dialogue. Through a mix of breakout sessions and community-wide discourse, we will process our experiences together, integrating the wisdom gained from Sessions 1 – 5. By sharing our perspectives, we continue to lay the groundwork for a unifying vision.
What now? What’s next? Explore how true contemplation and “right action” are two sides of the same coin. Gain support in rooting yourself in the heart of contemplation and the spirit of unity–as you discern what is “now” and next for you.
Six 2-hr live zoom sessions during a 12-week period co-facilitated by Evolving Enneagram Faculty Angela Joy & Evolving Enneagram Founder Nhien Vuong.
You will also have access to a private community chat room for seminar participants only.
Each live session will include:
*10-min contemplative practice
*20 to 30-min teaching
*80 to 90-min group reflection and discussion, practicing of new skills, and breakout rooms
*All sessions will be recorded. Participants will have continuous access to the recordings through May 1, 2025. To encourage open sharing, only the teaching portions will be recorded.
An open invitation:
In a time of much polarization, we actively encourage individuals from diverse backgrounds and perspectives who seek to be healers, lighthouses, and bridge builders in our world to join us.
We welcome differing views and ask only that you bring open-mindedness and curiosity to perspectives different from your own.
We seek to foster an authentic, safe space to meditate, grow, discuss, and learn together. Enneagram knowledge is not required.
$360 Benefactor Rate
$240 Regular Rate
$180 Reduced rate
There is no need to offer proof that you need a reduced rate. We trust you! Also, a limited no. of additional scholarship support is available upon request. Email directly.
With her Master of Arts in Biblical Studies and as a Certified Integral Enneagram Practitioner from the Consciousness Academy, Angela Joy is a personal and spiritual evolutionary, pushing the boundaries of current perceptions in culture and religion. Every role or job she has done has been inspired by her desire to challenge others to deepen the way they think, feel and act in their lives. As a freelance writer, adult Sunday School director, YPO Spouse Forum moderator, Spiritual Tutor, retreat leader, and mom, Angela has honed her skills to encourage individuals and groups to explore their spiritual growth, tap into their inner wisdom, and align with their wholeness—within and without.
As a member of Evolving Enneagram’s Adjunct Faculty, she has had the opportunity to lead powerful online book studies, which have become a space for people to explore complex themes and emotions. Some of these transformational books have been “Integral Theory,” by Ken Wilbur and “Say What You Mean,” By Oren Jay Sofer. She also serves as one of Evolving Enneagram’s CPE facilitators, offering a safe and confidential place to explore Enneagram types through the practice of contemplation within community.
In her free time, you may find Angela in her extensive garden, baking in the kitchen, playing on the tennis court, hiking in the wilderness or basking on the beach, not to mention reading—the never-ending pastime. She is currently working on engaging more in social media and learning to create balance and structure in her daily life.
A former attorney and mediator, Reverend Nhien Vuong, JD, MDiv. (she/her) is a writer, international presenter, and the Founder of Evolving Enneagram–an interspiritual hub for individuals seeking Enneagram-informed contemplation and transformation as a way of life. Nhien holds a Juris Doctor from Stanford Law, a Masters of Divinity from Unity Institute & Seminary, and a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from the University of California Irvine.
A Certified Somatic Enneagram practitioner, an Awareness-to-Action Certified Enneagram professional, and an ordained Unity minister, Nhien is one of only 25 Enneagram professionals in the world who have received the International Enneagram Association (IEA) Accredited Professional with Distinction (APD) mark.
Steeped in logic, analytical, and critical thinking skills, yet with the heart of a poet and the soul of a philosopher, Nhien marries intellectual rigor with a passion for a more conscious and compassionate world. When she is not hugging trees, Nhien is reading or writing poetry, volunteering in prisons, and cultivating Enneagram literacy around the globe through meditation groups and retreats, consulting and mentoring, organizational training, writing, and more. Nhien is the author of the upcoming book The Enneagram of The Soul (Hampton Roads, April 2025).
Our intention is to offer teachings on principles, perspectives, and skills from a non-dogmatic space. More significantly, our intention is to hold safe, sacred space for authentic sharing, courageous conversations, and transformational contemplative practices in an Enneagram-informed interspiritual community setting.
Through cultivating more authentic being, clear seeing, and skillful action, together we hope to support one another in fostering a more compassionate, unified, and awakened world.